In this modern world where people want more for less time and effort, simply creating a good website is not enough to generate more traffic, leads and sales, irrespective of the type of business you are in. Whether you are in fashion business or sell any other product you will need to do a lot more. What could be better than making the best use of the social media platform for that matter?
Most of the fashion site owners post carefully selected and relevant images in their Instagram account. If you are an aspiring fashion designer and intend to increase traffic to your website then you must also do the same. This will help you to make the most of the social media traffic.
You can use images of your own or even ask your users to share their posts and allow you to re-gram them at a later stage.
- If you share a user-generated image that typically has a large fan following, there is a high probability that those same followers will be more interested in checking your page out as well.
- In addition to that, if you include a feasibly clear and relevant link to it then they will be encouraged to click on it and visit your site to know more about your latest launch and previous products.
This will significantly raise the number of traffic to your site, which is ideally your primary objective.
Align with brand aesthetics
When you use user generated content in your posts you must keep in mind a few points so that you get the desired results.
- First, choose photos that will well represent your brand image
- Second, make sure that you align the photos with the aesthetics of your brand
- Third make it a point to be consistent with your posts so that the users are fed with new info always and every time and lastly
- Post the phots at the right time in order to increase your chances to be seen by the Instagram followers.
Take cue from other competitive fashion sites for that matter and make a proper plan to select and post your photos. However, you must make it a point that you do not duplicate their strategies or use their photos for your marketing purpose.
Selecting the right photos
When you choose a photo to post in your fashion site whether it is your own or one of your followers you must make sure that it is:
- Of high quality
- Intriguing and
- Unique.
It is also required to select images that will mimic the tone of your fashion brand most successfully. This will create better impression about your brand and raise the level of trust of the users on your brand and product. Assuming that your brand is reliable, they will visit your sites to know more about you, your brand and the product. That means:
- It will raise the number of organic traffic to your site
- Create a better awareness of your brand and product and
- Increase your sales prospects.
With that being said, you must remember and try not to be excessively biased about the images that you want to post on your Instagram site. It is only when you mix it up you will watch the follower count to your site as well as the level of engagement grow.
Choosing a branded hashtag
In Instagram, including a proper and relevant hashtag is excessively important to create a fan following. The hashtags will drive them towards your site, Instagram or on the web and allow you to make the most of the benefits that social media has on offer for you and all fashion designers.
- It is only when you select and use a branded hashtag with your posts, it will encourage the Instagram users to follow you.
- If you choose a more interactive hashtag it will also encourage the followers to be more interactive with you and your company.
This means that if you want to create a social media group that is more engaged and want to create instant interaction, there is no other alternative that is better that using interactive and branded hashtags.
Benefits of using branded hashtags
when you use a branded and interactive hashtag, you will be able to enjoy a lot a of benefits, apart from increasing the traffic count to your site. These are:
- Your customers will be able to use this tag to create a social group that will follow your posts, like and comment on them
- They will also be encouraged to post usergenerated content which will further allow the users to sift through all those posts that are related to your brand and
- The hashtags will also enable you to search through and select the images that you wish to repost on your own Instagram account page
These are just a few of all the benefits that creating a branded hashtag will provide to your fashion business as well as all other users. This ideally and essentially is free advertising.
The final inference
Posting a carefully selected image along with a proper and relevant hashtag is the most favored way for fashion designers and companies that encourages engagements and site visits. Every time a user posts a photo using your hashtag will be automatically exposing your company to thousands of other followers, thereby spreading your brand value and awareness at a larger scale. This in turn increases the chances of site visits and footfalls.
If you have a popular brand phrase, or a slogan already it will be easier for you to choose a hashtag for your images as you will not have to search for an interactive hashtag and use the same phrase as your branded hashtag.
Therefore, it can be concluded that, with a little bit of research and effort you will be able to create a better awareness of your fashion product through the carefully and strategically selected images and hashtags. This will invariably increase the traffic to your fashion site.
Author Bio –
Ariya Stark has been working on the importance of social media in marketing with thousands of real Instagram followers for her postings.