Discs are those pads located between the bones in the spine which protect the bones from shocks. A slipped disc is a condition in which the disc may tear or bulge and put pressure on the nearby nerves or the spinal cord. When a person has a slipped disk, he may experience numbness, pain or weakness in that area or areas connected with it. Also known as a herniated disc or prolapsed disc, a slipped disc can take place either in the lower or middle back or neck. It can be excruciating, and you will require to visitorthopaedics treatment hospital in Delhi.

Some common symptoms of a slipped disk

According to the best spine doctor in Delhi, the symptoms vary according to the severity of the injury. Mild cases of slipped disk do not display any sign at all and only require sufficient rest for recovery, whereas severe cases may require surgery and also physical therapy.

  • Pain in the back while standing or even while resting.
  • A burning or tingling sensation in the area.
  • Pain that is radiating up to legs and arms.
  • Weakness may be experienced in the muscles.
  • Loss of sensation accompanied by pain on one side.
  • Increased pain when making movements.
  • Aggravation of symptoms during the night while sleeping.

Some common causes of slipped disc

Slipped discs are common in old age as with age the discs are more likely to change their position. It can happen to anybody when lifting heavy objects in an improper position. When the load is too heavy, also it can create a strain and cause a slipped disk. Obese people are more at risk for slipped discs on account of their body, supporting the excess weight. People with weak muscles are also more likely to get this injury.

How to get relief from a slipped disk

The treatment methods prescribed will vary depending on the severity of your symptoms. When the symptoms are not severe, the following home remedies can be tried to get pain relief:

  • You can try lying down on your back while keeping pillows under the knees to get some relief.
  • You have to be careful not to lift any heavy objects or do some activity that can cause strain like bending forward.
  • For back pain, an ice pack can be used while applying heat can provide relief if the pain has increased due to overexertion.
  • Following two days of rest, for strengthening the back, a little bit of stretching exercises and walking can be done.

If symptoms are very severe like pain along with tingling or numbness with difficulty in control of movements, then it is best to see a doctor without delay.


The doctor usually begins with a physical examination which includes testing muscle strength and analyzing the extent of pain felt upon touching the affected areas. He may ask you to undergo tests like CT scans, X rays, discogram or MRI.

Medical Treatment options

In case of only a bulged disk, then the best spine doctor in Delhi may only prescribe some medicine to relax the muscles and physiotherapy in which you may be asked to do specific exercises that will help to improve the symptoms. If that does not relieve the pain, he may suggest taking narcotics and in some cases, even anticonvulsants which are used to control seizures. Sometimes to control inflammation and swelling cortisone injections may be administered directly to the affected area.

Surgical options

 When there is no relief from pain even after 5 to 6 weeks of medicines and physiotherapy and if there are symptoms like weakness, difficulty in performing simple movements like standing or walking or loss of ability to control bladder or bowel movements, then surgical options like diskectomy may be suggested by a spine specialist.

You can consider visiting Spring Meadows Hospital for treating slipped disc as they provide one of the best orthopaedictreatment in Delhi.